Ozark, the critically acclaimed Netflix drama, which premiered on the streamer in 2017, has scored fourteen Emmy nominations to date including Outstanding Drama Series. It earned two Emmys last year — Jason Bateman for Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series and Julia Garner for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.
Showrunner Chris Mundy will shepherd the fourth and final season, with fourteen episodes being split into two batches of seven episodes. This same approach was utilized by AMC for the final season of Breaking Bad, splitting sixteen episodes into two groups of eight.
The drama stars Jason Bateman, Laura Linney and Julia Garner, and is produced by MRC Television, along with executive producers Jason Bateman, Chris Mundy, Mark Williams, John Shiban, Patrick Markey, and Bill Dubuque.
Ozark’s third season surpassed Tiger King’s astounding viewing numbers, reaching almost 30 million in the first four weeks after its premiere on March 27th.
This week, Awards Focus is highlighting the incredible talent of Ozark with a special FYC Week heading into Emmy voting.