Director Santiago Mitre delivers a powerful film with “Argentina, 1985,” from a script by Mariano Llinas. The film is based on true events, specifically the trial of the Juntas with actor Ricardo Darin playing chief prosecutor Julio Ceasar Strassera.

Julio is tasked with prosecuting the top military generals accountable for their crimes against humanity. These crimes include kidnapping, torturing, interrogating, and killing thousands of Argentine citizens who were branded “radical communists.”

Julio has the eyes of the world on him and there’s plenty of challenges outside the court room, including near-constant death threats for him and his family. The movie has impactful testimony and it’s swiftly pace, not allowing for the audience take their attention from the screen. Fortunately, Llinas’ script has comic relief to keep things from being wholly consumed by the dark subject matter.

“Argentina, 1985” is a relevant and rousing courtroom drama that is a call to action against the inhumanity that comes with abuse of power. With rising authoritarian movements across the globe, this is a film that must reach the widest possible audience. It’s a testament to everyday citizens doing heroic, meaningful work and Mitre should be applauded for crafting such a poignant film.

Letter Grade: A-